Existence is just as it was before.
Before what, you might ask? Before it was realized that there is no God, and that previous peoples, who believed there was, were not working with a somewhat truthful grasp of things in this regard. Contemporary people who think that there is, are equally off-track with respect to this.
Existence does not need god: it is what it is no matter what, because that’s what existence is, non? When we acknowledge that the early nonbelievers were correct, and we now have come to recognize that we are in an existence which is full in itself, and that god is empty totally of being, it is kind of liberating, somewhat unnerving and conceptually revolutionary.
The social, conceptual, political, economic, social-power-class, theoretical, daily and mythic worldviews within which so many of us work, are imbued with the weight and lethargy of a god-dominated world. Disentangling ourselves renders the gordian knot a plaything. Our daily and underlying weltenschaung is beyond deep, and tortuously intricate.
Big-picture spelunking is needed on all sides.