The creative miracle is really simple.
There is no detailed plan in the receptacle of the mind which the practiced body replicates in the physical world: the world of clay, the world of things. Art does not copy what appears to the mind’s eye. It is rather the spirit’s material form in the common world of humans.
The miracle is very common. Our individual, collective and interwoven lived experiences as living humans, permit us to garner strength, some order, a fair tolerance for ambiguity, unease, and sketchiness — yet determination (but certainly not determinism).
This strength, when alive in a heart’s lived experience over time, easily works its way into the world as forms of change in the world, transformation in the world, and creative undertakings in the world. Creativity is normal and an integral aspect of things and life.
Potters are a really good example of this. My PhD dissertation had this as essential notion: creativity comes naturally within a context of rigorous practice. Only one indication of creative drift, making a pot is a whispering current in the flow of existence.