Although this section post appears as a review of making and imagining in clay and ceramic art, much of its underbelly is present in an array of creative activity and in our ordinary, regular lives just because we are human beings.It is difficult, if not beyond our capacity for understanding, to grasp the when/how/why of…
Category: Uncategorized
standing on mother earth
natural/supernatural :: feet/gods There is no god: there is no spiritual hierarchy or spiritual apparatchiks, no minor gods, no angels, demons, devils, hell, or any of the other hidden ghost-like apparatus, usually invoked as regulating the affairs and consequences of human action. Incidentally, there is no heaven. None.There are no absolute values in nature, good…
still standing: not unshaken
Existence is just as it was before.Before what, you might ask? Before it was realized that there is no God, and that previous peoples, who believed there was, were not working with a somewhat truthful grasp of things in this regard. Contemporary people who think that there is, are equally off-track with respect to this.Existence…
Nest : chemins pliés
One goal, many paths. If only the aphorism about many paths leading to mountain top, were as true as its popularity suggests. Perchance, if only it were as clear as its simplicity suggests. Perhaps, then, this — or any — life would surely be simpler and more manageable! As if our life were actually only…
me time
It seems fairly clear every morning when I awake and start my day, that I am lying in my bed and getting out of it to get going. Some days, this is a bit blurry, but really, I never lose my way. I am not my bed. It does not take very long (nanoseconds?) as…
doubt: thylone
Doubt is only doubt when it is actually doubt. (iff). Imagining doubt and perceived uncertainty for a purpose, is a ploy — the first cousin to bad faith. There are no evil demons deceiving us, no matter what public intellectuals might tell us, or philosophers, or actual scientists, or theologians, or politicians, and other false…
waking and sleeping
I don’t know about you, but my senses do not deceive me. Ever! First and foremost, because they neither think and plan, nor take any note of me or the sensations I have. Secondly, because the organism’s back-up system, the brain, doesn’t deceive me either. Usually, if I am deceived — not just mistaken, disappointed…
matter/no matter: matter matters
zero:time/space: but, here/now: there/then? (holy smokes, Batman, even the Batmobile isn’t fast enough) Light escaping; captured at the edge: no edge to everything, but light, what are you doing here? What is there, but what is? Is not existence everything? Surely, not two all existences! Am I not something?
Dialogue with the Devil
The deeper dialogue with the devil is most frequently that agonizing personal insight. It is so often a couched self-deception—felt, yet known—which has slipped into the mist-shrouded realms of our consciousness. We know through a glass darkly, that the agony is real and sweeping through our soul as we live each day. This intimate, destabilizing…
creative drift: the human mode/nexus
A zygote’s coming to be, is far past the origins of its being. The cessation of life is a moment further down what we call its path of life. Fullness is the activity between the two. Fullness is not not fraught with hazards aplenty, and it is not unaccompanied by enrichment, growth and learning. This…